The first group of talents seconded to SME4SPACE, Belgium

The first group of talents during the third secondment realised from April 27 to May 11, 2024 to Belgium visited StartLab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Korn Ferry company in Brussels and partner institution SME4SPACE in Leuven. Talents participated in the interactive training sessions related to innovation and technology transfer. These training sessions were focused on enhancing cooperation between universities and industry, as well as promoting the application of scientific research for practical purposes. Participants had the opportunity to learn and discuss the latest trends and practices in the area of innovation and technology transfer, which will contribute to the improvement of their professional skills and capacities. Talents visited the Laboratory for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Vrije University in Brussels. The activities of the laboratory were presented to us by Thomas Crispeels, the director of StartLAB. Professor Stefan Chichevaliev explained the sustainable and social entrepreneurship programs at Vrije University. Caroline Cogels, Director of the Youth Incubator, presented previous projects carried out in the incubator. Talents also had chance to discuss about Korn Ferry innovative solutions and its business model.