The second USE IPM focus group, UBL

A research team from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Banja Luka, led by Full Professor Sasa Petkovic, PhD, has organized a focus group with sustainability experts on 19th of March 2024. Research through a focus group was aimed at assessing various aspects of sustainability: from ecological and economic to social aspects, as well as examples of good practice and challenges in this domain. Also, the aim of the research was to identify examples of the application of activities in the domain of the circular economy as well as ESG reporting. The results of the research will be used for the further implementation of the project “Up-skilling researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Management” – USE IPM.
The group consisted of: Mr. Perica Rajčević, PhD, from Addiko Bank, Mr. Branko Kecman and Mrs. Tanja Šemez from Advantis Broker, Mr. Saša Ačić from the Employers’ Association of the Republika Srpska, Associate Professor Dušica Pešević, PhD from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Banja Luka, Mr. Branislav Blagojević from Vector Advisory and Mr. Milan Šajinović from NLB Bank.
Full Professor Saša Petković, PhD has been moderator, Assistant Professor Ljubiša Mićić, PhD, was co-moderator and other researchers in research team have participated in the event: Assistant Professor Mirjana Milijević, PhD; Senior Teaching Assistant Jadranka Petrović, PhD, and Teaching Assistant Milica Marić, MSc.