Youth and their employment – human resources management approach

Sandra mentioned that, out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), some are devoted to gender, human rights and inclusion: SDG5 Gender equality, SDG10 Reduced inequalities, SDG4 Quality education, SDG3 Good health and well-being, SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities, SDG8 Decent work and economic growth, SDG16 Peace, justice and strong institutions. All of these SDGs are also intersectional. To achieve SDGs, the employment process should be based on gender equality mainstream through policies, consultations and execution of strategies; Political Priority for the European Commission: Communication on ‘A Union of Equality: Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025’ and ILO Action Plan on Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming. She emphasized that the aims of the employment process should be accordingly: to make communities safer and healthier by achieving gender equality, advancing gender justice, and building an inclusive culture; to advance a gender-equal employment environment by laying out ideals and standards; and preventing any type of discrimination against employees and other stakeholders. Sandra concluded that human resources activities should be adapted to these goals.