Panel session – Large and small: How the business sector can influences the reduction of regional disparities, FEUN

On June 28, 2024 at the Faculty of Economics University of Nis it was organized panel session “LARGE AND SMALL: HOW THE BUSINESS SECTOR CAN INFLUENCES THE REDUCTION OF REGIONAL DISPARITIES” within XXIX international scientific conference “REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND DEMOGRAPHIC FLOWS OF SOUTHEASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES”. Moderator of the panel was the USE IPM project coordinator, Marija Radosavljević, PhD. Panel participant were:

  • Donato Iacobucci, PhD, from the partners institution Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), Italy,
  • Dragana Stojanović, Regional Development Agency South, Director
  • Ninoslav Milenković, E-reciklaža CEO
  • Jelena Preradović Stevanović, Philip Morris International, Manager for Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement Southeast Europe.

The panelist concluded that both large and small businesses play crucial roles in addressing regional inequalities through investment, innovation, and collaboration.


View video of the Panel session

Download Program of the Conference