Presentation of the USE IPM project at the ERA Talents Information and Experience Sharing Event

The USE IPM project has been presented at ERA Talents Information and Experience Sharing Event, on 25th of June, 2024, organized by the National Contact Points from nearly 10 different countries. For more than 160 participants, Marija Radosavljevic, as the project coordinator, presented the USE IPM objectives, work packages and results. The focus of her presentation were specific characteristics of the USE IPM project, concerning secondments, workshops, consortium structure. She spoke about the main challenges of managing project with 12 talents from different regions and level of economic development. Also, she presented so far delivered deliverables and their importance for project management. Finaly, the presentation of the USE IPM project included pictures taken during secondments and events that happened after each secondment, at the beneficiaries from widening countries.