Presentation of the USE IPM project at the workshop on SDG and UN Agenda 2030 in Skopje, N.Macedonia

On May 31, 2024, Professor Aleksandar Naumoski presented the results of the research titled “Experts’ Views on Sustainability and Reporting on Sustainability” conducted under the project “Up-skilling Researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Based on Innovation Process Management (USE IPM)”.

The main event took place at the Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics in Skopje, in the form of a workshop titled “Readiness of Countries for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030”. Here, performance audits on the readiness of North Macedonia and Serbia to implement the SDGs were presented. These audits were conducted by the Supreme Audit Institutions of North Macedonia and Serbia, with support and experience from the Supreme Audit Office of Slovakia. The initiative was part of the UNDP project “Support to Public Finance Management Reforms” and financially supported by the Ministry of Finance of Slovakia.

Professor Naumoski participated as an external expert in the performance audit conducted by the Supreme Audit Institution. During the event, he delivered a presentation and training session on “Stakeholders’ Engagement in the Adaptation of the National Framework to the SDGs”. This training session provided insights from the USE IPM project, specifically focusing on the research regarding “Experts’ Views on Sustainability and Reporting on Sustainability”.