Presentation of the USE IPM project at the Job Fair in Tirana, Albania

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, the Job Fair was organized at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana. The fair has become a very good networking platform for students with employment and career development opportunities, offered by over 60 major companies present, including major sectors of the economy such as consulting, banking, insurance, manufacturing, technology, telecommunications, etc.

The USE IPM project not only presents a valuable opportunity to enhance sustainable practices but also serves as a platform to empower students by providing them with practical guidance and hands-on experience in sustainability. By actively involving students in the project, they can gain valuable skills and knowledge that align with the principles of sustainability.

The role of the project in promoting employability and academia business communication and linkages was highlighted during the presentation at the Job Fair. Students and business representatives approached the project desk to learn more about the project and its expected impact on climate action in the country.