Digital innovation, citizens’ engagement and environment activism

Milica Bogdanović had an interactive presentation about thematic hubs of ALDA where all the young researchers had a chance to engage and contribute as well as to learn something new in specific fields. She presented thematic hubs in the field of digital innovation, citizens’ engagement and enviroment activism. She presented objectives and priorities of these hubs and asked the participants to propose what among those objectives and priorities is for the the most important in their work. Additionally, she presented a specific and unique project called P-CUBE which is an example project where digital technologes are used as a playing gave in order to better understand public publicy and institutions on EU lelel. This project is an example how gamification could be used in the learning process. She contineud by presenting ALDA’s project in the field of enviroment and climate where she motivated participants to propose what of those project could be done in our city or country.