USE IPM project

The USE IPM project’s implementation started on 1st July 2023.

The USE IPM project’s implementation started on 1st July 2023. Kick-off meeting, as the first activity under the WP6 – Project management and coordination, was held on 13th and 14th July, at the Faculty of Economics in Nis. The Faculty of Economics hosted 11 organizations, participants of the Project, in person or online. This was an opportunity for partners to present their organizations, analyse project’s methodology and discuss project’s objectives, key activities and expected results. The first day of the kick-off meeting started with welcome and opening speech, followed by project officer’s and SAB members’ address. Beside SAB members, all project partners representatives presented their institutions with the accent on their role in implementation of USE IPM project. The first day of kick-off meeting was reserved for presentation of work packages and Gant chart, financial aspect of the project, as well as dissemination activities and voting for General Assembly members. During the second day of the meeting importance of project management, and reporting and monitoring was emphasized. After this, non-academic partners presented their plan for the secondments, while academic partners presented their plan for the workshops. All partners enjoyed the Nis city tour, including Mediana and Skull tower, as well as social events organized during their stay in Nis. The kick-off meeting was supported by TV station reporters, who interviewed the project coordinator and some of the participants and presented the USE IPM essence and purpose to the wider audience.

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